In Mongoengine add a document and update a reference field in another document

Adding a document in Mongoengine

To add a document in Mongoengine, you first need to define a document class that inherits from the Document class provided by Mongoengine. You can then create an instance of this class and populate it with the necessary data. Finally, you can call the save() method on the instance to save it to the database. Here's an example:


from mongoengine import Document, StringField

class User(Document):

name = StringField(required=True)

# Create a new User document

new_user = User(name="John Doe")


Updating a reference field in another document

When you want to update a reference field in another document in Mongoengine, you first need to retrieve the document that contains the reference field. You can then update the reference field with the new value and call the save() method on the document to save the changes to the database. Here's an example:


from mongoengine import ReferenceField

class Post(Document):

title = StringField(required=True)

author = ReferenceField(User)

# Retrieve a Post document

post = Post.objects.first()

# Update the reference field with the new User instance = new_user


In this example, we first retrieve a Post document from the database and then update the author reference field with the new User instance that we created earlier. Finally, we call the save() method on the Post document to save the changes to the database.